About Us

Meet the Founder Daniella Blechner

As a child, Daniella loved to read and tell stories to her sisters. She'd easily consume 8-10 books during the holidays and she'd always dreamed of becoming an author. She'd read anything from books about birds and nature to adventure books, but there was just one major problem... There were never any books with characters that looked like her or reflected her cultural background. This feeling of invisibility slowly swallowed her dreams of becoming an author. Did our stories matter?

After facing rejections in the competitive world of agent querying and securing a traditional publishing deal, Daniella decided to self-publish. After her debut book 'Mr Wrong' became a bestseller beating Steve Harvey's, 'Think Like a Man, Act Like a Lady' Daniella became inundated with requests from other talented writers who needed assistance with publishing. Helping people at first, as a labour of love, became infectious but then she realised this could be so much more and..... 


Conscious Dreams Publishing was born.


Since then, her team of 1-3 became a team of 15 and now Conscious Dreams Publishing has published over 300 books and she's mentored more than 1000 authors helping them to achieve their dreams of publishing a book. Her mission is simple: to transform diverse writers into successful published authors and she's committed to changing the narrative by redressing the balance in terms of diversity, inclusion and representation in the publishing industry. Everyone's story deserves to be heard. Daniella adores working with authors from all over the world and has published authors from a range of diverse backgrounds and ages ranging 7-84. 


Now these books are available at the Conscious Dreams Bookshop for you to enjoy!


"Books are like magical treats; they have the power to feed your mind, transform your thinking, suck you through portals to timeless utopian lands and dystopian nightmares. They have the power to educate, heal, transform, inspire, entertain an empower. Each book has the power to ignite your imagination in the library of your mind." ~ Daniella Blechner